Thursday, February 21, 2013

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrant vs Black Unemployment

In the “Illegal immigration and Black unemployment “article, Peter Kirsanow and Clarissa Mulder brought up the attention on how “Politicians rush to grant effective amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants…and the effect illegal immigration has on the employment and wage levels of low-skilled Americans, particularly blacks.” 

This two authors state a point on how an amnesty will affect instead of benefiting the united states. They feared that by legalizing illegal immigrants the unemployment for black men will increase and opportunities to get a job will decrease. The editors of “The Competition for Low-Wage Jobs” article explain the difference between illegal immigrants and American citizens competing for low skilled jobs. It shows the great effort illegal immigrants make just to come here to the United States in order to have a better life. To these illegal immigrants low skilled jobs are most of the times the only option for them, not because they are ignorant but because of their language barriers and documentation. In contrast, most American citizens with low-skilled jobs are folks with very low education performance usually raised in deprived neighborhoods and some time in their lives dropped out of school. In my opinion I strongly disagree with the authors Peter and Clarissa for trying to make amnesty seem a threatening thing to Americans because it is not. Also in 1986 under Ronald Reagan presidency the percentage of black unemployment was at 14.8, same year as the amnesty; we can see in the statistics that by legalizing millions of immigrants the percentage was not affected at all, it kept decreasing.  

American citizens in need get welfare, which is help by the government and this is a major reason why the unemployment is high because they get benefits for doing nothing. In contrast, illegal immigrants do not get money from the government at all; their only option is working to survive.

As of today many illegal immigrants are being accused of stealing identities and working with false social security number, because without them they would not even be able to get a low-skilled job. If amnesty gets approved then all this illegal immigrants would not have any reason to be using anybody else's identity.

Illegal immigrants are not taking jobs from anybody.

In fact, I would like to ask you the following. If you were the owner of a company and you had two perspectives one being an American citizen and the other an illegal alien, with the same experience and the skills you are looking for. Who will you hired? It seems to me that you are obviously hiring the American citizen, because as you know there are penalties for employers hiring illegal immigrants, but what if in a similar scenario instead of both perspectives having the same capacity, the illegal immigrant has a incredibly superior ability to perform the job you need, who will you hired then? 

The point I am trying to make here, is that it does not matter if you are illegal or legal what matters is the desire to succeed and become a better person.