Friday, March 29, 2013

Should we make lemonade?

Many Americans are concerned about legalizing illegal immigrants because they are afraid of them taking over all jobs, criminals being on the streets, and people taking advantage of affirmative action programs, According to we can see there are more positives than negatives for passing an amnezty. First, most of the illegal immigrants come to the U.S. looking for better opportunities and to work. Second, there are many business owners that could not be successful in their countries because of mafia and insecurity for the same reason they come to this country to invest their money and create jobs. Americans are also worried about legalizing criminals and have them on the streets that will not be a problem because one of the many requisites is a background check.

In my opinion the US should legalize illegal immigrants. From my point of view the U.S. is a business and it only has two options, to win or lose money.  If we pass an amnesty, the country will benefit economically. Last year the Obama’s Administration passed a law name deferred action; From August 2012 to today the U.S. has help 199,460 illegal immigrants. For every application, the government is charging around 500 dollars, if we multiply those two numbers we get 99,730,000 million dollars that will go straight to the U.S. economy, if we use the same equation for the rest 10,800,540 of illegal immigrants we get 5,500,000,000 dollars only to become legal residents, now to become U.S. citizens the fee is 680 dollars for the application. The government will be receiving 12,980,000,000 to legalize illegal immigrants, on the other hand, the Government will spent more money by deporting them according to Business Insider.

In conclusion, Illegal immigration is not going to stop any time soon that is the reality. There is a saying that I personally like “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade” if you don’t do anything with those lemons eventually, you are going to find yourself with 11 million wormy lemons; might as well take advantage and create a lemonade company.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Illegal Immigrants are Human Beings

In this article Some Unlicensed Drivers Risk More Than a Fine. The authors give us the points of view from each side, people against giving license to illegal immigrants and people in favor.

Julia Preston and Robert Geveloff give us two different examples; first we have Mr. Valencia’s case. An illegal immigrant who was driving to pick up her child from school. Who got in a car accident who led to deportation for not having a driver’s license.
In my opinion Ms. Valencia like millions of illegal immigrant do their best and follow all the rules possible because their only goal is to have and give a better life to their families, their only thing they care is to live in a secure place. Illegal immigrants do not risk their lives by walking for days in the desert or crossing the Grand River just to make the us citizens lives miserable, believe me that is not the reason.

“In Georgia, voters have been worried about unlicensed illegal immigrants whose driving skills are untested and who often lack insurance”. In my opinion, it’s illogical to think that illegal immigrants are a danger to the public. It is difficult for me to think an illegal immigrant knowledgeable of his situation will get in a car and drive like crazy knowing that he will get deported if he gets pulled over.
 D. A. King, president of the Dustin Inman Society said “giving an illegal immigrant a driver’s license is giving them the keys to the kingdom.” Mr. King is in part correct, is giving them their spirit back, is giving them an opportunity to prove the US they are not danger, is giving them a record this will help to separate the criminals from the good citizens.

Mr. Campos’s case things are different; the accident unfortunately was more severe than just a car crash. A person was involved; Mr. Campos only option was to escape from the scene not because he wanted Mr. Sosebee to die but because he knew where he was going to end, back in Mexico. If Campos had the security of not getting deported or getting jail time for just not having a driver’s license, we could be talking about a heroic story: “An illegal immigrant who saved an old man’s life”. How? By taking Mr. Sosebee to the hospital instead of running away.

I would like to conclude this opinion with the following. Illegal Immigrants are not animals, Illegal immigrants are not things; we are talking about human beings. Humans who happened to be born in a country where you have no control over your life, we are talking about humans whos only purpose is to provide a better living for their families. We live in a civilize country, let’s forget about frontiers and nationalities for a moment and focus on humanity.